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BAPCO Annual Event

FORTiS Mobile Device Holders

Peter Jones (ILG) Limited Stand: H30

The FORTiS range provides additional protection and hands-free portability for mobile devices, including smartphones. Moulded from robust ABS, FORTiS holders feature a Klick Fast Connector on the rear for attachment to all Peter Jones Klick Fast Docks. Devices are securely retained in the FORTiS by a “claw” at each corner.

FORTiS Fold-Down Cases are also available to give devices additional protection by an all-round  cover attached to the moulded ABS holder. The  FORTiS Fold-Down Case opens and closes via two sturdy press studs and allows full access to all device features and controls, while maintaining screen privacy. A Klick Fast Connector on the rear of the case allows attachment to all Peter Jones’ Klick Fast Docks

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