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BAPCO Annual Event

Medical Priority Dispatch System

Priority Dispatch Stand: J19

The Medical Priority Dispatch System includes the following features: 

  • Use of a Case Entry system: The MPDS Protocol provides a standardized method for answering each call. On Case Entry, the event location and callback number are verified, and the appropriate Chief Complaint is selected.
  • Identification and ordering of Key Questions: The protocol prompts the calltaker to ask the right questions for each Chief Complaint. The questions and instructions are logically ordered with scene safety first, followed by other essential information.
  • Logic-based selection of dispatch codes: Recommendations for dispatch codes are driven by on-scene event information provided by the caller. The dispatch codes ensure that calls are triaged according to designated agency-defined response policy.
  • Pre-Arrival Instructions for life-threatening situations: Based on information provided by the caller, the protocol guides calltakers to instructions for specific, life-threatening situations such as choking, childbirth, and airway arrest. Calltakers can initiate a Zero-Minute Response by providing the caller with easy-to-follow, step-by-step Pre-Arrival Instructions so help can be given immediately while responders are on the way.
  • Post-Dispatch Instructions for callers: These important instructions help the calltaker direct the caller to improve scene safety and the effectiveness of the overall response.
  • Critical EMD Information for calltakers: These reminders provide direction to the calltaker in notifying additional agencies, communicating with responders, and providing specific information to individuals en route.
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