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BAPCO Annual Event

21 Feb 2024

Speaker Interview - Simon Peace, Principal Systems Engineer

Can you describe what you’ll be talking about during your presentation at BAPCO 2024. Why is it an important topic? 

  • We are presenting on Drone Technology being used in the Assurance process for the ESN network – particularly ESN Air


What do you see as being the big issues and challenges for the sector over the next five years?  

  • The challenge is achieving successful procurement for rapid evolution rather than big bang. - Keeping flexible whilst delivering core requirement / needs.


What will likely be the most transformative development over the next five years in terms of the technology? What will that mean for user operations, as well as the broader market? 

  • Opportunities in the exploitation of air capable Edge computing devices (including autonomous systems & artificial intelligence).  This will require a skillset change to delivering Policing intelligence and public safety, both in terms of usage and protection against evolving threats which in themselves are dynamic and evolving at pace.


What opportunities do you see for the sector in the current environment? What big changes would you like to see in the world of UK public safety communications?

  • There are a wealth of opportunities that in conjunction with novel toolsets could challenge established process/solutions bringing operational benefit.


What key messages or take-home points would you like people to get from your session? What will be most useful to them from a practical point of view?

  • Don’t focus on solutions until the options have been considered.  Factor this evaluation early into procurement/proof of concept trials to build best in breed solutions.  Therefore consider the possibilities that new technology presents, but do not force a technology to solve a particular problem – just because you can doesn’t mean you should...  Engineer strong layered solutions including all aspects including flexible options with other systems, operational procedures, softer skills and human factors are just as important as technology.


Which conference sessions are you most looking forward to seeing?

  • “What are the Technologies on the horizon that the Emergency Services need to know about.” – Day 1, 11:45

  • “What is going on in the world of tech that will impact the Emergency Services today.” – Day 1, 12:45

Find out more about Simon's session and view the full programme here

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