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Hotels near BAPCO 2025
Wednesday 5 - Thursday 6 March 2025 | Coventry Building Society Arena
Green Policies
has implemented
HotelMap Green sustainability
Energy Usage
- Bicycles are available to rent
- Energy-efficient LED lighting is used throughout the hotel
- The hotel has electric car charging stations
- The hotel has electric bicycle charging stations
- A percentage of the hotel's electricity comes from renewable sources
- Bicycles are available free of charge
- The hotel uses energy-saving switches
- A percentage of the hotel's carbon footprint is offset
- All of the hotel's windows are double glazed
- 100% of the hotel's electricity comes from renewable sources
- 100% of the hotel's carbon footprint is offset
- 100% of the hotel's electricity comes from carbon free sources
- A percentage of the hotel's electricity comes from carbon free sources
- Bicycle parking is available
- The hotel has electric transport services
- The hotel has energy-efficient heating and cooling systems
- The hotel has a green building design
- Key cards and/or motion control are used to reduce electricity usage
Local Community and Environment
- Gardens or green spaces are available for guest use
- The hotel is located on a nature reserve
- Farming classes are available to guests
- The hotel has a living plant wall
- Ecotours are available near the hotel
- Ecotours available on site
- The hotel supports local tour guides and businesses
- A platform for local artists is provided
- The hotel invests in local community or sustainability projects
- Educational programmes or events on local ecosystems and the environment are available to guests
- The majority of the hotel's food is locally sourced
- The hotel used locally sourced building materials and textiles
Recycling & Waste
- The hotel donates and/or composts excess food
- A recycling plan is in place
- The hotel uses reusable coffee and/or tea filters
- A comprehensive plan is in place to reduce food waste
- A comprehensive recycling plan is in place
- All single-use food containers and cutlery are compostable/biodegradable
- The hotel donates guests' unwanted clothes to charity
- The hotel safely disposes electronic batteries and lightbulbs
- The hotel safely handles hazardous substances
- The hotel has a soap and toiletry donation programme
Eco Elements
- The hotel uses eco-friendly cleaning products
- The hotel uses eco-friendly toiletries
- Recycled and reclaimed materials have been used throughout the hotel
- Certified sustainable materials have been used throughout the hotel
Plastic Reduction
- Refillable water stations and/or dispensers are available to guests
- Refillable toiletry containers are used in all bathrooms
- The hotel has reduced its single use plastic
- The hotel uses biodegradable/compostable straws and stirrers
- The hotel only uses reusable cups and tableware
- The hotel has removed all single use plastic
Food for Thought
- The hotel has its own vegetable garden
- The majority of food at the hotel is organic
- Vegan food options are available
- Vegetarian food options are available
- The hotel produces some beverages on site
- The hotel produces or grows some food on site
- The hotel sources sustainable food produce
Water Usage
- The hotel recycles water and/or harvests rain water
- All bathrooms have water-efficient showers
- All bathrooms have water-efficient toilets
- Guests are encouraged to reuse towels and linen
- Guests can easily opt out of daily housekeeping
book your hotel
Rates and availability
Register your interest
The special rate will be available to book soon. Add your details below to register your interest and we will contact you as soon as the rate is available to book.
Your selection
- 100 rooms
- 8 minute drive to venue
Hotels near Coventry Building Society Arena
- 213 rooms
- 10 minute drive to venue
- 211 rooms
- 11 minute drive to venue
- 98 rooms
- 5 minute drive to venue
- Green Credentials
- 146 rooms
- 12 minute drive to venue
- Green Credentials
- 210 rooms
- 9 minute drive to venue
- 192 rooms
- 13 minute drive to venue
- 62 rooms
- 9 minute drive to venue
- 121 rooms
- 20 minute drive to venue
- Green Credentials
- 36 rooms
- 12 minute drive to venue
- 105 rooms
- 17 minute drive to venue
- 28 rooms
- 11 minute drive to venue
- 88 rooms
- 9 minute drive to venue
- Green Credentials
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